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The method Alanna Kaivalya uses for $10,000 months

Alanna Kaivalya is a creator who wears many hats: yoga instructor, podcaster, course creator, and author. Alanna has been in the digital marketing world since 2015 when she created her first podcast—eventually listened to by over two million people—and since then has expanded her online business to become a course creator, as well.

In 2015, Alanna was the first person to make an entire 500-hour yoga teacher training online, and since the success she’s had with that, she has continued to create continuing education courses for yoga instructors that exist entirely online.

Her courses range in topics from decoding that tarot, changing your life with yoga, connecting with your spirit guide, and more.

And one thing they all have in common? They’re wildly successful. So successful, in fact, Alanna manages to make 5-figures a month through promoting and selling her online courses, using webinars as a primary marketing tool.

We wanted to take a look at how Alanna is finding so much success with webinars, and more importantly, how you can replicate that success to land five figure months yourself.

Why webinars?

Alanna claims that webinars are “the most powerful and strong way to connect with your audience and actually get them to convert into sales.”

She credits the success of webinars to a few different factors: Lead generation, conversion rates, providing value, and qualifying your leads.

First, let’s talk about lead generation. Without leads, you’re going to struggle to sell even a single copy of your online course. In Alanna’s experience, until your list tops 10,000 people, you’ll struggle to make consistent revenue by just sending emails. That’s where other marketing tactics come in.

Luckily, webinars are an effective way to build your email list.

The great thing about webinars, is you don’t even have to have anything to sell. You can provide pure value while growing your list and building your paid offers. Alanna recommends starting webinars early in your business so you can get more comfortable with them and begin using them as a sales tool later down the road.

Which brings us to her second point, webinars are great for selling online courses. In Alanna’s experience, webinars have the highest conversion rate of any online marketing tactic, usually hovering around a 30-40% conversion rate.

Alanna’s method for preparing for a webinar

Once you feel comfortable with the idea of creating your webinar and excited to get started, your next step is preparation.

Alanna stresses that planning for your webinar in advance is key. You want to know what is happening when, and you want to be prepared and practiced before you go live.

One thing she mentions is the webinar timeline.

The timeline begins a few weeks before you plan on your webinar going live.

You first need to drive traffic to a registration page. That page will lead to a thank you page that triggers a welcome email to new leads.

From there, you’ll send the leads who signed up for your webinar a 15 minute countdown the day your webinar goes live. Then, when it’s time, log on and start imparting your knowledge and ultimately selling your online course.

Let’s break each of those elements down.

Driving traffic: Before you can host a successful webinar, you need to convince people to sign up to join live. A few ways you can do that:

  • Send an email to the people already in your list
  • Send a follow up 3 days before the webinar takes place, too
  • Share a link to the webinar on your blog or website
  • Share a link to the webinar on your social media
  • Run Facebook ads

Registration page: Your registration page is where people can sign up to actually attend your webinar. Here are a few key elements for your registration page.

  • It should be simple and straightforward – make the CTA easy and obvious
  • Add a video to make it more engaging and familiarize your audience with you
  • Tell people what to expect, how long it is, and what problem your webinar will solve

Thank you page: Your thank you page will offer some gratitude to your audience for committing to take the time to join you for your webinar.

  • Tell people you’re excited to meet them during the webinar
  • Stress that they need to check their email for an email from you and it’s not in your spam folder, give them specific instructions.
  • Ask them to add your webinar to their calendar so they don’t forget to join you.

Welcome email: Once they open your welcome email, it should contain all of the important information they need in order to attend your webinar.

  • What date is it? What time?
  • How will they get the link to your webinar on the day of?
  • How can they optimize the experience?
    • What web browser should they use?
    • Should they turn off other programs to keep streaming up to speed?
    • How do webinars work?

15 minute countdown: On the day of, you’ll want to send a 15 minute reminder to get people prepared to join you live.

  • Reintroduce the information of the webinar – what should they expect?
  • Resend the join link
  • Reiterate the optimization tips

Begin your webinar: This is your time to shine! You’ll want to make sure you go in prepared to minimize glitches or mistakes.

  • Know your tech – don’t go live for the first time during your big webinar. Instead, do some practice rounds the day before to a friend to make sure your video / audio is good.
  • Turn on the do not disturb mode on your computer so you aren’t getting your personal notifications flashed across the screen.
  • Have water / tea / coffee on hand. You don’t want all that talking to leave you parched and uncomfortable.
  • Have notes on hand in case you get stuck or blank on what you’re trying to say.

Hosting your webinar

Like the pre-webinar planning, webinars themselves can be broken down into a few main sections:

  • Live introduction
  • Presentation & Pitch
  • Close & Q&A

Your introduction exists to get you live on camera (not hiding behind slides or images!) to enthusiastically greet your audience and thank them for being there. This is also where you can chat for a few minutes allowing the stragglers to join without missing anything.

You can use this introduction to tell your story. Share with your audience how you gained your authority, where you started, and why you feel passionate about sharing with them today.

The presentation and pitch are the meat of your webinar. This section will take the longest and should provide a ton of value.

  • The presentation should solve a very specific problem for your audience. This is your chance to prove to the people who have joined live that you know what you’re talking about, you can provide real value, and you can help them change some aspect of their lives.
  • The pitch is where you segue into, “If you want to dive even deeper into this topic and do X, Y, and Z, you can sign up for my online training. Plus, everyone who signs up by the end of today using coupon WEBINAR will get 25% off!
  • During your pitch, be very honest that you’re using this section to sell a high-value product.
  • Share testimonials from people who have already taken your course
  • Create urgency – the coupon code you’re offering is only good for a set amount of time!
  • Consider offering limited time bonuses (private group coaching, access to another course, an ebook, etc.) to further incentivize purchasing.

The close and Q&A is where you can express gratitude to those who joined you and answer their questions live.

At the end, you should pop back on the screen and share your face with your audience. Sometimes, audiences are shy to get started asking questions, so you can begin by answering the questions you think they’ll ask.

  • Money back guarantees?
  • Can they take the course at their own pace?
  • What does the process look like?
  • Are there payment plans?


When it comes to hosting webinars, each one is a little easier than the last and feels a bit more natural, too. Webinars can be a powerful tool if you’re properly utilizing them, so don’t let one bad webinar discourage you. Host regular webinars as your audience grows, and introduce new followers to what you have to offer.

Author: Morgan Timm, Morgan Timm is a content marketer with a background in blogging and social media. She runs Mostly Morgan, a life and style blog that reaches an audience of 40,000 people monthly.