Caitlin Miller

Caitlin Miller

Caitlin Miller is the Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Teachable. In her spare time, she's often found listening to vinyl records, buying too many house plants, and enjoying a run on the streets of Brooklyn.

How to price an order bump: 6 strategies every creator should know
How to price an order bump: 6 strategies every creator should know

More money? Yeah, we thought you'd like the sound of that.

How sourdough baker Matthew Duffy overcame the myth of “being ready”
How sourdough baker Matthew Duffy overcame the myth of “being ready”

Matt wanted to launch his course, but he didn't feel ready—until he jumped headfirst into a pre-sale.

Exclusive: Tiago Forte talks the future of courses and the productivity myth you need to ditch
Exclusive: Tiago Forte talks the future of courses and the productivity myth you need to ditch

Plus, learn about his latest cohort of BASB.

Introducing the new Teachable blog
Introducing the new Teachable blog

With our creators top at mind, we're relaunching our blog as a destination for all things course creation and beyond.

How to give your course a name that sells
How to give your course a name that sells

What's in a name you ask? We'll break down what makes a compelling course title.

How to create a mini course to build your business—checklist included
How to create a mini course to build your business—checklist included

Sometimes it's the smallest moves that can make the most impact on your business.

How coaching serves as a valuable tool to validate your online course idea
How coaching serves as a valuable tool to validate your online course idea

Have an idea for a new course? Scope out the potential with coaching—we'll show you how.