Karolina Wilde

Karolina Wilde

Karolina Wilde is a freelance writer. Her work has been published on Better Marketing, The Ascent, and Sexography reaching over 25,000+ readers. In her free time, you can find her podcasting, reading, or creating TikTok videos.

Content plan vs. strategy: Here’s why you need both to grow your business
Content plan vs. strategy: Here’s why you need both to grow your business

Similar terms, different meanings.

A 5-step guide to effective content calendar strategy
A 5-step guide to effective content calendar strategy

Simplify all your business's content needs.

How to build a TikTok community to sell more online courses
How to build a TikTok community to sell more online courses

Proof that TikTok is not just for fun dances and lip syncing.

Common misconceptions about putting a price on what you know
Common misconceptions about putting a price on what you know

You might be making one of these critical errors that's costing you money.

10 pro audio equipment upgrades for your at-home audio recording studio
10 pro audio equipment upgrades for your at-home audio recording studio

When you're ready to spend, we have the ultimate shopping list.

The 6-step strategy to writing a great audio script for your online course
The 6-step strategy to writing a great audio script for your online course

No need to be a world-class podcaster or Instagram celeb to master this skill.

What’s the best audio editing software for beginners?
What’s the best audio editing software for beginners?

If you've never cut and sliced before, this guide is for you.