Morgan Timm

Morgan Timm

Morgan Timm is a content marketer with a background in blogging and social media. She runs Mostly Morgan, a life and style blog that reaches an audience of 40,000 people monthly.

How to turn your ebook into an online course
How to turn your ebook into an online course

Because who doesn't want another source of income?

5 ways to make your first sale
5 ways to make your first sale

There's nothing like that first sale feeling.

What type of course launch is right for you?
What type of course launch is right for you?

Find your perfect launch match.

How to scale your online business
How to scale your online business

Because growth means more sales.

Why all bloggers should create a course
Why all bloggers should create a course

Your audience is there—why not serve them further.

How to analyze your online course launch
How to analyze your online course launch

Reflect now so you can plan for the future.

How to launch your online course with a blog
How to launch your online course with a blog

Take your content to courses.