Nina Godlewski

Nina Godlewski

Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.

How Climate Action Academy uses Teachable for climate change education
How Climate Action Academy uses Teachable for climate change education

This Earth Day read about how the Climate Action Academy uses Teachable to help educators learn about climate change.

How to decide whether to make your course cohort-based or self-paced
How to decide whether to make your course cohort-based or self-paced

Use our worksheet to help decide whether to make a self-paced or cohort-based course.

Download your community launch checklist
Download your community launch checklist

Your checklist for launching an online community is right here.

Using social media platform analytics to grow your business
Using social media platform analytics to grow your business

Here are the analytics social media platforms offer to help you grow your small business.

Download our small business finance glossary of terms
Download our small business finance glossary of terms

Download our small business finance glossary to get familiar with all of the terms to know.

Where I create: A fiction writer and teacher’s comfort
Where I create: A fiction writer and teacher’s comfort

Nila Patel has written over 400 short stories, this is the setting she needs to do it.

Here’s how to write a “thank you” email to your new students
Here’s how to write a “thank you” email to your new students

Use our downloadable workbook to learn how to write a good "thank you" email to students.