:Marketing / Marketing best practices

4 sales strategies Teachable creators are using this Black Friday

woman overhead shot working at desk woman overhead shot working at desk

Black Friday can be one of the most impactful times of year for a business owner. It’s a fantastic opportunity to tap into new audiences, offer your current audience extended value, and sprint to achieve revenue goals for the year. We’ve already shared seven proven ways to sell your course on Black Friday, but we’re not stopping there. We tapped into teachable:hq to see how real Teachable creators are planning for Black Friday. Get inspiration for your own Black Friday marketing strategy ahead.

Surprise and delight

“The week before Thanksgiving, I’ll be running a giveaway for our annual membership, and possibly the monthly membership. The winner will be announced on Thanksgiving Day and the promotion for discounted annual membership will begin the next day (Black Friday) and will run through December, ending January 1, 2021.”

– Rebecca Rhodes, Watercolors with Rebecca Rhodes

Discount wisely

“So I’ve done Black Friday sales the last couple of years, and expect I will again this year. I don’t make a big deal about it, though. A coupon code and a post or two to social media, and now that I have an actual email list, a broadcast or perhaps a short sequence there. My attitude is, do the sale if it seems worth it; don’t if it doesn’t, and either way, there is no need to make a big deal about it. If a 20% drop in price yields more 20% additional enrollments, it’s worth it, you’re doing yourself a disservice not to do it.”

– Marc Sabatella, Mastering MuseScore School

Find your next profitable online course idea

Share your expertise with like-minded others just in time for Black Friday. We have a “course idea worksheet” that will get you started on the right foot.

Your "course idea worksheet" awaits

Inspired by Teachable creators’ Black Friday marketing advice? It all starts with an idea. Come this way to access our free “course idea worksheet” to tap into what you know best.

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Bring on the bonuses and newness

“I’m planning on offering discounts off my class packages and bundles as well as creating a few new packages. I’ve run Black Friday sales (or Cyber Weekend as usually I go through Cyber Monday) in the past, but through the company I was with. I’m doing it solo this year through my Teachable school! I will also give my email list a deeper discount with a code. I love being able to offer that! Before I had to run everything through the company website so I couldn’t do discount codes.”

– Trisch Richardson, Be Youthful ‘n Fit

“I don’t put my programs ‘on sale’ because it feels wildly unfair to people who paid full price. But, not tapping into Black Friday and the desire for ‘discounts’ is shortsighted.

So, we’re rolling out a lite version of my signature program. My team is doing the vast majority of the work here, so that my time commitment is absolutely minimal, and we feel like it’ll be a way for people who have thought about my big program to get a sense of what it’s like. As I’ve been planning this, I’ve also decided to let people know ahead of time that the sale is coming, what exactly it is, and how much it will cost.

I know, this kind of goes against the grain. But, as a consumer, I appreciate knowing what I need to save for, so I feel like my students will like having the chance to set funds aside if they’re interested.”

– Abbi Perets, Successful Freelance Mom

Let us know if you have any other Black Friday marketing strategies that have worked for you! Visit us on our social channels @teachable.

Author: Caitlin Miller, Caitlin Miller is the Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Teachable. In her spare time, she's often found listening to vinyl records, buying too many house plants, and enjoying a run on the streets of Brooklyn.