:News / Everything is Teachable Podcast

Meet your Everything Is Teachable podcast host: Haleigh Fullilove

everything is teachable podcast everything is teachable podcast

This fall we’re pleased to announce the relaunch of our wildly popular podcast, Everything is Teachable. Expect interviews with top creators on Teachable, insight into industry trends and topics, and conversations on the hard stuff such as burnout, goal setting, finances, and more.

If you’ve been a fan of the podcast in our first two season, you know some of our previous guests—Pat Flynn, Tiago Forte, Luisa Zhou, Gloria Atanmo, and more—and of course, our host Melissa Guller. But for Season 3, we’re shaking things up. We have a new set of creators to interview, new modern branding, and a new host—Haleigh Fullilove. Before you hit play, get to know Haleigh below.

You’re a familiar face. Where do we know you from? 

I’m Teachable’s senior social media strategist, and I’m responsible for all of our organic social media efforts. I’ve been at Teachable for almost two years now (time flies!). You’ve probably seen me in your DMs or on Instagram Live with fellow Teachable creators. I live in Brooklyn, NY, and you can usually find me laying in the park with my friends, exploring the city, perusing the racks at a thrift store, and scrolling through TikTok.

What brings you here?

Once we found out that Melissa was leaving us, I felt so drawn to pursue the chance to become the new host. I felt like it would be a natural transition from developing so many close relationships with Teachable creators, and I was so excited for a potential new challenge. And, here we are! It’s been such a fun process to try something new, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity.

The first two seasons were great—tell us about this season. 

First of all, can we talk about how beautiful the rebranding is? It was such a blast to work closely with our design team (shoutout to Jacqui and Chloe) and seeing the processes they went through to bring this new season to life.

Season 3 has eight incredible episodes with Teachable creators and team members. I can’t even begin to describe to you how inspired I felt after every single episode I recorded, and I hope you feel the same way. Not only are we diving deep into their expert best practices for being successful, but we’ll also explore the topics of burnout, setting boundaries, and more. The wellness side of entrepreneurship is something I’m very passionate about, and it needs to be talked about more. We definitely don’t shy away from this conversation.

Haleigh Fullilove headshot Haleigh Fullilove headshot
Haleigh Fullilove, podcast host

Clearly Season 3 is going to be a party. Can you tell us who’s RSVP’ed? 

Are you into financial freedom and house plants? Because two of the top creators in those areas are joining us this season—you’re going to love it. That’s all I’ll say for now.

If everything is teachable, what would you teach?

My first thought was astrology, but that’s something I’m still learning about myself. I’d probably create a mini-course on making the perfect homemade buttercream.

OK, but teach us something right now. What’s something you’ve learned recently! 

A more spiritual related fun fact: There’s no need to obsess over whether you made the right decision about something. At the end of the day, there’s no right or wrong—it’s just the universe working around a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action you experience. An actual fun fact: cats don’t like aluminum foil.

We’re feeling inspired. What inspires you each day?

My friends and family, being in nature, and my past to remind me how much I’ve grown and all the lessons I’ve learned.

When we can hang out next?

Season 3 episodes will be released every Thursday, so you won’t have to wait too long in between! I’d love to hear your feedback on the episodes, so tag us at @teachable to let us know what you think. And if you want to give me a follow on Twitter, you can find me at @heyhaleighanne.

Author: Caitlin Miller, Caitlin Miller is the Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Teachable. In her spare time, she's often found listening to vinyl records, buying too many house plants, and enjoying a run on the streets of Brooklyn.