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Everything is Teachable Host Haleigh Fullilove shares what to expect in season 4

Everything is Teachable podcast host Haleigh Fullilove Everything is Teachable podcast host Haleigh Fullilove

It’s that time again: Season 4 of the Everything is Teachable podcast is almost here. After the very successful return of our creator-focused podcast last season, host Haleigh Fullilove has been busy planning the season ahead. And, with a whole new line up of guests, some amazing conversations planned, and even more inspiration, Season 4 is shaping up to be one of the best seasons yet. Before our big launch on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, we sat down with our very own Senior Social Media Strategist and podcast host, Haleigh, for a rapid-fire Q&A.

Haleigh Fullilove headshot Haleigh Fullilove headshot
Haleigh Fullilove, host of Everything is Teachable

You’re gearing up for your second season as our wonderful Everything is Teachable podcast host but for the fourth season of the show. What was one thing you learned from last year’s season that you’re taking with you into this season?

“My immediate answer is: interviewing is an art form. I’ve always been a Chatty Cathy and love talking, and I consider myself to be a good listener, but being in an interview format takes it to 11. My biggest goal for myself when I started hosting the podcast was to incorporate my personality and conversation ‘skills’ as often as I could to make the episodes flow and feel natural, and I think we definitely achieved that in Season 3. Ideally, I want everyone listening to each episode to see a part of themselves in every guest that’s on, so I want the episodes to be like you’re listening to two friends chatting it up. But, I’ve just learned so much about the power of active listening and how the smallest thing someone mentions can be transformed into a whole new conversation topic. It helps when I get to talk to so many interesting people, too!”

We don’t have to remind you that we had some pretty amazing guests in season 3—who still stands out to you to this day?

“Oh, this is so hard to choose—every guest I had on for Season 3 is so special and brought so much personality and value to the podcast. I really loved Tori’s and Darryl’s episodes, though—Tori is such a force and our conversation flowed so well (that episode was almost an hour long!) and I loved hearing about Darryl’s unique journey from becoming an engineer to now, a world-renowned plant expert.”

Tori Dunlap headshot Tori Dunlap headshot
Teachable creator, Tori Dunlap of Her First $100K

You work with Teachable creators every single day. What’s been a piece of advice or words of wisdom you’ve learned from a creator that you can’t stop thinking about?

“I’ve heard this from multiple creators and it never fails to stop me in my tracks: Your voice is so valuable, and people are waiting to hear from you. Stop doubting yourself and just go for it.”

We know you’ve been hard at work prepping season four to be the best season yet. How will it be different than last season?

“I hope this is able to shine through in the episodes, but I wanted to place a heavier emphasis on the individual backgrounds and experiences that each creator has. This was important to me to accomplish, because when it comes to entrepreneurship—it’s not a one size fits all kind of situation. I wanted to give each creator the time and opportunity to let their personality and expertise shine, and I think we did a great job of that!”

Decoding Couples headshot Decoding Couples headshot
Teachable creators and upcoming guests, Decoding Couples

Any upcoming guests you can share? We promise we won’t tell….

“The Season 4 lineup is so varied and interesting—to give you a bit of an idea, our first episode is with Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul. We’ll also be welcoming Stacey and Rachel of Decoding Couples and Lissette Calveiro of Influence with Impact. But, there will be 10 episodes total, so get ready!”

OK, so we need season four ASAP. When can we get our hands on it?

“The anticipation for this season has truly been off the charts. You can expect the first episode of the season to drop Tuesday, May 3, and every new episode after that will continue to be released on a weekly basis. And, if you have just a couple minutes, we’d really appreciate it if you could subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. This will help give an extra boost to the podcast before it launches!”

Lastly, so we know you from Teachable’s social media platforms, the podcast, and as a recent panel host during Summit, but where can we stay in touch with you?

“While I lurk from time to time, I haven’t been as active on Twitter lately—but, you can always follow me at @heyhaleighanne. Otherwise, I’d love to connect on LinkedIn or email, too! To hold myself accountable, I’m also toying with the idea of posting TikToks on my personal page when I jet off to Europe in a month, so…if you want to see that unfold, you can follow me at @haleighannelove. I love connecting with people, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!”

Catch up on Everything is Teachable
Catch up on Everything is Teachable

Listen to our first three seasons this way to catch up on what you’ve missed!

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Author: Caitlin Miller, Caitlin Miller is the Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Teachable. In her spare time, she's often found listening to vinyl records, buying too many house plants, and enjoying a run on the streets of Brooklyn.