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February 2021 product update: Coaching with client uploads

february product update february product update

February felt especially short this year. In the middle of expanding our product team and making improvements to the platform, the month has just flown by. This product update might feel like déjà vu.  But in fact, we are diving into our payments offering. Additionally, we are exploring how we can better set you up to achieve your goals of running a profitable business on Teachable.

What’s new at Teachable?

Coaching with client uploads

The first thing to look for in this product update has everything to do with coaching. Furthermore, coaching clients can now upload a file to milestones within the enrolled space. Moreover, when you upload workbooks and assign homework, your clients can directly upload completed assignments for feedback.

Whether it’s a PDF workbook or a 5-minute video reflection, this feature will allow you to better engage with your clients.

To learn more about client file uploads, please check out our Knowledge Base article. 

Teachable Payments eligibility expansion

Teachable Payments, our native payment gateway, is now available to all creators based in the following countries:

  • Slovakia
  • Lithuania
  • Slovenia
  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Finland
  • Ireland
  • Portugal
  • Greece

If you’re currently using Monthly Payment Gateway, you can now make the change in Settings > Payments. You’ll be prompted to create a Stripe Express account. This is different from the one you currently have access to. In fact, the process will only take you a few minutes and will allow you to get your course earnings daily, weekly, or monthly—the choice is yours.

In addition, you also get these additional benefits with this product update:

  • Collect and remit EU VAT on your behalf for all transactions
  • Automatic chargeback dispute
  • Apple Pay and Google Pay options for students
  • Access to BackOffice so we manage your author and affiliate payouts and taxes as well

For a full list of eligibility and more information about Teachable Payments, please check out the Knowledge Base article on Teachable Payments.

Business name option on student checkout

We have released a product update to the student checkout page to include Name on Card and Business Name (optional). This information will automatically be displayed in the student receipts they receive. Furthermore, this release is to support creators based in the European Union who require this information in receipts.

For any additional information, please checkout the Knowledge Base article on our checkout page.

Product Updates and other fixes

  • Author updates: You’ll notice that we’ve redesigned the way you activate a user as an Author, add/edit an author bio for a user and set a revenue share percentage.
  • Author revenue share: We’ve also updated language so instead of author commission, it’ll now be referred to as revenue share.
  • Revenue share override for coaching products: Just like you can with courses, you can now set a product override for the revenue share percentage authors receive for a coaching product.
  • Updated product button styles: We’ve updated the button styles in our product to match our recent rebrand.

Future product update at Teachable

Our product update and what the engineering team is working on:

  • Selling courses and coaching together
  • Adding a new native lead capture function
  • Course design templates
  • Integrating with community platform(s)
  • Checkout order bumps
  • PayPal and mobile pay for subscriptions
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Author: Frances Wong, Frances Wong is a Product Marketer at Teachable. Outside of Teachable, Frances is an avid sports fan and dedicates her weekends to Manchester United and Georgetown Hoyas games.