:Creativity / Working from home

Diversify your income with an online course

potter painting pottery potter painting pottery

Whether you’re a coach, public speaker, professor, or deliver live trainings of any kind: It’s time to bring your in-person training online. Creating an online course gives you more control of your business and income. When your career is based on giving live trainings and trading your time for money, unexpected curve balls like getting sick or an emergency popping up can mean a significant hit to your income. That’s why it’s key to understand how to diversify your income.

If you’ve spent any time here on the Teachable blog, you’ve probably seen us say it before: As a business owner, the best thing you can do is diversify your income. This simply means that you’re not relying on just one thing for the entirety of your revenue stream. In this case, instead of putting all of your eggs into the live-training basket, we recommend creating an online course to supplement your business.

By creating an online course, you’ll have a complete and separate income stream to fall back on if something comes up and can no longer complete your speaking gigs. Online courses are evergreen products that you take the time to create once and continue to profit from weeks, months, and years into the future. In many cases, creating an online course will help you multiply your income several times over.

For you, that means you’ll have the freedom to be pickier with the live engagements you take on while freeing up your time to invest more into your business. Before you get started shifting your offline curriculum into an online course, download our free workbook designed to walk you through the process start to finish.

After going through the to-do list, you’ll have:

  • Defined your course topic
  • Created your curriculum
  • Created your course content
  • Set pricing and revenue goals
  • Marketed and upsold your course

And, the to-do list is entirely free. Once you’ve downloaded it, share with us on social media how you’re working through your course creator to-do list.

Let's make it official

We have a free “online course creator’s to-do list” to transform your in-person training into an online course.

Master your online course

Not everyone has the same needs when just getting started launching an online course. This list is designed to help you find out exactly where you are in your journey, so you’ll know exactly what to do next.

Thanks for signing up.
Master your online course

Author: Morgan Timm, Morgan Timm is a content marketer with a background in blogging and social media. She runs Mostly Morgan, a life and style blog that reaches an audience of 40,000 people monthly.