:Marketing / Social media marketing

The do’s and don’ts of networking on Clubhouse

man at microphone man at microphone

Although Tiktok took over our social media timelines since the top of 2020, Clubhouse is the latest social network phenomenon that people can’t stop talking about. For starters, it’s an audio-only, drop-in app that you can’t join unless you get invited or get off the waitlist. (Plus it’s only for iOS users.)

Second, celebrities, influencers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders (think the Elon Musks of the world) make spontaneous appearances, sharing everything from commentary on social issues to business advice from real-life experience. These elements make the exclusive app super enticing, especially to those betting on scoring an invitation.

Although there are many valid criticisms of the Clubhouse app, Clubhouse is multifaceted and a goldmine for connecting with the right people. While you may not become best buds with Elon Musk, there are many small business owners and creators across various fields you can connect with and learn from.

clubhouse app networking tips clubhouse app networking tips

Join the club: What is Clubhouse?

From Clubhouse’s official website: “Clubhouse is a new type of network based on voice. When you open the app, you can see “rooms” full of people talking—all open, so you can hop in and out, exploring different conversations. You enter each room as an audience member, but if you want to talk, you just raise your hand, and the speakers can choose to invite you up. Or you can create a room of your own. It’s a place to meet with friends and with new people around the world—to tell stories, ask questions, debate, learn, and have impromptu conversations on thousands of different topics.”

Simply put: Clubhouse allows you to virtually join conversations with people across the world on any and every topic.

After you download the app and join Clubhouse, you should take time to set up your profile, including linking your Instagram and Twitter account so the app can suggest people to follow based. Hopefully, these are people that will engage in conversations on Clubhouse that you may find interesting, but if not, you can always seek out members to follow as well.

Networking tips for Clubhouse

Remember, Clubhouse isn’t just a place to passively consume content. It’s a place to engage in conversations and network. But before you start raising a hand, here are some do’s and don’t that you may find helpful—especially when networking is top of mind.

Do: Take your time getting familiar with the app and rooms available

Like any other social media app, there are multiple sides and personalities that live on Clubhouse. When first joining the app, take the time to get familiar with the current rooms available and the “Upcoming For You” rooms to set reminders for conversations that you don’t want to miss.

Going on Clubhouse for a reason (i.e., a pre-scheduled discussion that you plugged into your calendar) is always better than firing up the app and popping in and out of conversations until you find one that’s fitting for you.

For one, it stops you from falling into a rabbit hole as is so common to do on social media apps. It allows you to get the most value out of the app, especially if your purpose is to be in spaces with other business owners or creators that you can connect with.

Don’t: Let Clubhouse discussions take the place of thorough research

Though there are many verifiable experts present on the app (did we mention Elon Musk popped into the app to share insight?), you have to be mindful that not everyone’s word is bond. Use Clubhouse to enlighten yourself on others’ opinions on subjects that you may not be privy, but always take advice and others’ experiences with a grain of salt and do your research for what’s best for you.

Pro-tip: Don’t be afraid to have a pen and pad or your notes apps when engaging in serious conversations on Clubhouse. Unlike other social media apps, you can’t revisit the speaking points speakers may have made, so keep detailed notes. Trust us, it will make any necessary research ten times easier.

clubhouse room chat clubhouse room chat
Do: “Raise your hand” to ask questions—and use your time wisely

One of the great things about Clubhouse is its ability to make in-app conversations mimic real-life discussions—minus people speaking over one another. Using the “raise your hand” feature in the app allows you to get the moderator’s attention to ask questions, provide insight, or thank them and other panelists for their time and input.

Don’t: Be long winded and stray away from the topic of discussion

Although you can come and go as you please at Clubhouse, time is still of the essence. When you get the chance to ask questions or provide feedback, keep in mind that hundreds of people may be waiting to do the same. Be respectful of everyone’s time as you would in an in-person panel discussion or a question and answer session.

Do: Host rooms on topics you’re able to provide valuable insight on

In a sense, hosting a room is like extending an olive branch for creators and entrepreneurs to connect with you. When hosting a room, be sure to speak on topics that may entice the folks in your field that you’re looking to connect with.

Even if the subject is just your respective industry’s current climate, a moment for celebrating wins, or brainstorming ways to grow, these can be valuable ways to spark conversation and network with creators in your community. It can also be a fantastic way to spread the word about your online course.

Don’t: Feel pressured to speak on subjects that you’re not knowledgeable on

It’s flattering when someone invites you to be a moderator for a room; however, if the subject matter isn’t something you feel comfortable talking about, it’s perfectly fine to decline the invite with just the click of a button.

On the flip side, when you’re in a room, no matter how small, don’t feel pressured to speak to if you don’t have real value to add to a conversation. There’s no such thing as a dumb question (or comment in most cases), but don’t succumb to the pressure of needing to speak because of awkward silence.

clubhouse app homepage clubhouse app homepage
Do: Follow like-minded individuals and people within your field

On social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram, people pay more attention to who follows them. On Clubhouse, who you follow is much more critical. When you follow people on the app, you receive notifications based on what rooms they’re in or hosting. This is key to making sure you’re getting the most value out of Clubhouse if your main goal is to connect.

Don’t: Focus on how many followers you have on the app

Having a ton of followers on Clubhouse is seemingly most useful for those who host rooms regularly. If you’re not planning on hosting rooms regularly, your follower count is something you shouldn’t dwell on—not even for a second.

Do: Follow people you’d like to connect with on other platforms such as Instagram and Twitter

While Clubhouse is a great place to find and connect with business owners and creators, it isn’t great for building a relationship, as there isn’t a direct message function in-app. However, most users connect their Instagram and Twitter accounts to their Clubhouse profiles, which allows you to check them out on those apps with just the click of a button.

If you’re looking to make connections, take advantage of the social profiles linked on their Clubhouse profile.

Don’t: Miss an opportunity to build a relationship due to not engaging

Following a Clubhouse member on Instagram or Twitter is not the end—you have to be willing to engage with them. Don’t be afraid to reach out on either platform via DM and say, “Hi! My name is XXX, and I do XXXX. I loved the insight you shared in the XXXX room on Clubhouse and just wanted to connect with you.”

You don’t have to follow our script verbatim, but put in the effort to build a lasting connection as it’s not going to happen on its own. With any luck, other creators will do the same to you.

Are you on Clubhouse? If you’re not on Clubhouse, you can sign up for the waitlist here.

Author: Mika Robinson, Mika is a NYC-based lifestyle blogger and freelance writer. When she’s not creating content on her blog, astoldbymika.com, she’s somewhere in the digisphere writing content for your favorite platforms and go-to brands.