:Marketing / Social media marketing

Why Instagram influencers should create an online course

creators working on art creators working on art

Having a large social following doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making a sizable income online. In fact, there are so many Instagram influencers with thousands of followers who could be harnessing that influence to make a full-time income. Instead they’re sporadically taking on sponsored posts and getting paid only in product. And while free things are fun and great, what’s even better is taking the brand and influence you’ve built on Instagram and turning it into a steady income stream. One way to start monetizing a presence on Instagram? Creating and selling an online course.

Why Instagram influencers should create an online course

Instagram influencers are uniquely primed to be online course creators for a few reasons:

It can be hard for Instagrammers to figure out what type of online course they’d like to create. They tell themselves, “Posting to Instagram is one thing, but teaching people how to do something is something else entirely. What could I even teach?”

Influencing to selling

The truth is: There are many ways influencers can start selling with online courses. First off, one can teach others how to be successful on Instagram. Consider one of these ideas:

  • Get 10,000 followers in 10 weeks
  • Create your Instagram aesthetic
  • Build your brand on Instagram

Another route? Look your niche. Are you a fashion Instagrammer? Create a course on a capsule wardrobe or selling on Poshmark. A food Instagrammer? Teach about food photography or recipe development. A lifestyle Instagrammer? The world is your oyster, ask yourself what you’re good at.

The great thing about being an Instagram influencer is that people are invested in you. They see your daily posts and updates, they watch your Instagram stories, and they’ve got a sense of who you are.

Breakdown imposter syndrome

A common objection of would-be course creators is: “Other, more successful people have already created a course on this topic, why would anyone want to buy mine?”

And the answer is that people buy courses because of the creator not the content. People buy courses because they already admire what the course creator is doing.

Whether they want to emulate their Instagram growth or learn how to weave beautiful wall hangings like you, people are going to buy your course because of the skills they already know you have and the trust they have in your brand.

Author: Morgan Timm, Morgan Timm is a content marketer with a background in blogging and social media. She runs Mostly Morgan, a life and style blog that reaches an audience of 40,000 people monthly.