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January 2022 product updates: Introducing student referrals

student referrals product update student referrals product update

We started the year off strong by launching new product updates to help our creators reach new heights of success in 2022. Student referrals made a big splash in January, but we also launched updates to course comments and role updates for users. These updates close out the month of January but we’re excited about what else there is to come this year!

Rewards for student referrals

We launched our student referrals program so you and your students can now get rewarded for spreading the word about your courses. Your students and their friends get a discount, and you get more students! Everyone wins with this latest product update. 

With the new referral program, creators can now offer a discount that students and those who they refer and sign up for the course will receive. Your students will be able to access a link that is unique to them to refer and redeem their discounts. Remember, people are more likely to purchase something if it comes recommended by a friend or family member. 

You can start taking advantage of the referral program immediately by setting up your program. The directions for how to do that can be found in our Knowledge Base. Generally, you can do it by navigating to your course and adding a “Refer a friend” tab to your school and by adding a referral block to your curriculum.

How to get student referrals

We know it’s not always as simple as setting up student referrals and letting your students find out about it on their own. So we wrote a few blog posts to help you learn everything you need to know to make the most of referrals now. One covers how to talk to your students about referrals and share how to use them. Another blog post covers just how to promote your student referral program to students and potential students. You might also want to check out the blog on how to increase your sales reach with referrals. All of those articles will give you clear steps to getting our referral program off the ground. 

Course comments reorganized

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve updated the course comment statuses. This update makes it easy for you to see which comments are new and unseen. That way you can be sure which ones need your immediate attention and response and which ones you’ve seen or maybe addressed already. 

You’ve probably noticed that new comments now have bold text and a blue dot to the left of the comment. Once you click on the comment to view it though, the status of it changes to viewed and the text is unbolded and the dot disappears. 

While this may be a small change, it’s one that can help make a big difference in not missing important comments and being more responsive with your students.

course comments Teachable course comments Teachable

Refreshed role updates 

This update is mainly about where and how to access certain school settings. We’ve made updates to help you more easily update your author, affiliate, and student permissions-related settings. You can now find these under “Settings” and then “Roles.” You might have also noticed that now there are two tabs, one for “Website” and one for “Courses” on your Settings page.

Looking forward to 2022

These are just a few of the many updates we hope to bring you in 2022. Keep the suggestions coming and we’ll work on making the changes to help you as a creator thrive on our platform. We work to see your successes, so we want to create the best possible platform for you, and make sure you’re aware of all the updates and changes we implement.

Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.