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June 2019 product update: NYC incubator & Teachable communities

woman on couch working on ipad woman on couch working on ipad

It’s tough to work long hours during the hot and humid summer days, so we hope you have the time to take the upcoming long weekend off and relax. Let us continue to support your online course so you can continue to earn money, even while you’re lounging by the pool. With that, review our June 2019 product update below to learn more about our NYC-based Creator Incubator and Teachable communities.

NYC Creator Incubator

We’re excited to share that we kicked off our first NYC-based Creator Incubator at Teachable this month. We chose 22 participants from a competitive pool of applicants to be in our inaugural class. This program will take these participants, who are all starting at slightly different stages, through workshops, weekly discussions, and monthly in-person check-ins.

The goal is to take our participants from idea to launch in 15 weeks. We’re excited to share the wins and challenges from our amazing cohort after the program closes.

Teachable communities

In the last two months, we’ve launched two additional in-person communities in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. to bring more of our Teachable creators together.

For about a year and a half, we’ve hosted workshops and meetups at Teachable HQ here in New York. We’ve seen Teachable creators drive in from upstate New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, and heard from some that our events were “worth the two hour drive.”

To help our users who can’t make it to NYC connect with one another and learn more about Teachable, we’ve started launching the pilot chapters of our Creator Community in a few other cities. Our first chapters are located in Philadelphia and Washington, DC. To help grow this program as far and wide as we can, we’ve decided to partner with local creators to help lead each chapter.

If you’re interested in starting a Teachable chapter in your city, please let us know. If we think it’s a good fit, we’ll reach out. We’ll work closely with you to plan your first event, and then provide ongoing support (think: content, logistical support, and goodies) to help your group flourish.

Interested in joining us at one of our future community events, or hearing when we launch a group in your city? Join our weekly newsletter for updates.

Coming up at Teachable…

Here’s our updated product roadmap for 2019.

Create and publish your online course

Our free online course checklist gives all the tools you need to start.

Anything is teachable

With a few easy steps, you’ll have everything you need to teach anything you want. Get started with our “upload your course” checklist today.

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Anything is teachable

As we’ve teased at the beginning of this year, our two upcoming big projects are Mobile Pay and Page Editor. We’ve made progress on both projects and will be sure to give you all a further update next month!

Additionally, our product team is working on:

  • Adding an email check to help users that misspell their email address correct it before creating an account
  • Working on adding the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) to our checkout flows to follow the requirements from the PSD2 that will go into effect September 14th.

Author: Frances Wong, Frances Wong is a Product Marketer at Teachable. Outside of Teachable, Frances is an avid sports fan and dedicates her weekends to Manchester United and Georgetown Hoyas games.