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May 2022 product update: Extend the power of Teachable

may 2022 product update may 2022 product update

Connecting Teachable to your other business tools is an important way for you to create an ecosystem that can share data and automate workflows, saving you time. There are many ways you may want to share data to make it easier for you to manage your business across many different tools. You could share data on student sales with a CRM or you could share student contact information with your email marketing tool. Sharing data across your business tools makes it easier to own a business.

Connecting Teachable to other platforms

Because Teachable lacked the ability to share data with other platforms, we frequently saw creators relying on minimal data to run their business, or even making one-time requests for advanced reporting. We also saw creators using webhooks and direct integrations and knew that creators needed more options for connecting with their other business tools. 

The solution was to build a public API. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a tool that allows two or more platforms to connect with each other which can automate tasks and create smooth communication between tools. APIs provide a pre-existing developer framework for custom coding that helps creators connect tools from outside Teachable into the same ecosystem. Now, creators can more flexibly use Teachable to meet their unique needs as a business owner. 


May product updates

Public API

Now available on professional and business plans, creators can access Teachable’s API to make data-informed decisions with ease, automate workflows with tools outside Teachable, and access the data needed to build custom apps. You can access the most up-to-date school performance data related to sales, enrollments, and student engagement. When you automate workflows you could do it without needing a webhook. You could also directly embed a Teachable course product anywhere, and update it automatically when you update your course. See how the API works with our documentation.

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Make the most of updates

For more information about any of the updates above be sure to check out the Teachable Knowledge Base. There you can find anything you need to know about these updates or any other aspect of how to use Teachable. Keep an eye out for further updates coming next month!