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Messaging strategy challenge winners: 4 sales pages you can learn from

person working on computer person working on computer

We’ve challenged you to create a new sales page for online courses before. Many of you took us up on this challenge, submitting multiple sales pages per course.

The selection was based on the layout and messaging of your sales pages. Here are some of the things we were looking for:

  • Is it clear who your target audience is?
  • What is your offer? Is it immediately clear?
  • What do you want your audience to do?
  • Why should your audience trust you?

Here is a look at the creators and the sales pages for online courses that stood out to us.

Sales Page Examples

1. Abbi Perets: Successful Freelance Mom

Abbi Perets sales page Abbi Perets sales page

Why her sales page stood out to us:

We immediately knew who her target audience was.

It was clear from Abbi’s sales page for her online course who her exact target audience was: freelance writers. She immediately speaks directly to the audience from the moment they land on her sales page. She dedicates multiple sections of her sales page to address the objections freelance writers may have and the pain points they currently face in their careers.

By calling out those pain points, Abbi is letting her audience know that she understands their frustrations. Why is this helpful? Because she can then position herself as a peer who has figured out how to tackle those pain points and can offer her audience a solution to those problems.

We knew what her course offer was.

Her sales page for her online course doesn’t go into what the course will directly cover. Instead, she shares what outcome her audience will experience if they take this course. This helps her audience visualize the transformation they can make, and why they should make an investment in her course.

Though she doesn’t put the full details of her course on her sales page, she chooses to highlight what her audience will get from the course. She specifically calls out parts of the course that her audience probably cares about the most, such as access to templates, lifetime access, and Q&A sessions.

Check out the sales page for the course Double Your Freelance Income.

About Abbi and her online courses:

Abbi Perets is a copywriter with 20 years of experience working with some of the biggest brands in the world. She’s passionate about writing email sequences and sales pages that help people get their courses, services, and products in front of the people who need them most. Her signature approach comes down to building powerful, long-lasting relationships with readers so that they open every email you send.

Abbi is also a coach and mentor for moms who want to get started in freelance writing, and for all kinds of freelancers who want to double their income—without working twice as hard.

You can see more at https://successfulfreelancemom.com.

2. Isabelle McKenzie: Break My Sugar Addiction

Isabelle McKenzie sales page Isabelle McKenzie sales page

Why her sales page stood out to us:

She created a long form sales page.

Isabelle is the only creator who submitted a long-form sales page for her online course. A long-form sales page is typically only used if you are promoting cold traffic, have complicated additional offerings, or have a premium price tag on your course. For Isabelle, it’s because she is promoting to cold traffic and is looking to explain how her course can benefit those interested.

She breaks down her course.

Isabelle understands that her course on breaking a sugar addiction isn’t an easy course transformation to achieve. As someone who has been through that journey, she’s aware that there are not only objections but doubts on how this can be achieved and maintained. This is why, unlike Abbi, Isabelle goes into a lot more detail on her sales page.

Isabelle shares each module of the course, how it will help, and how she’ll be there to support her audience on each step. She also included bonuses that her audience will get when they enroll in the course.

Check out the sales page for the course Break My Sugar Addiction.

About Isabelle and her online courses:

Isabelle McKenzie is a writer, course creator, and creative entrepreneur who focuses on sugar balance (she is a recovered sugar addict!), self-care, mind, body, health, and financial abundance.

She’s dedicated to helping people live happy, healthy lives, by simplifying goals into easily doable steps for long-lasting success. Visit here: https://www.isabellemckenzie.com/

Vladimir Mariano sales page Vladimir Mariano sales page

Why his sales page stood out to us:

He uses a video to promote his course.

At the top of the sales page, Vladimir adds a promotional video for his course. Not to mention, the promotional video allows Vladimir to share more about his course and allows him to demonstrate what he’d be like as an instructor.

Likewise, you can see and hear how he talks on camera, how clearly he explains his course, and how he uses additional graphics to support what he’s saying. This video helps him to start building a relationship with his audience, so he can hopefully convert them into a student in the future.

While it’s not necessary for everyone to have a promotional video, it can definitely be a useful tool.

He addresses his audience’s pain points.

His audience is made up of those who are interested in learning how to do 3D printing design with Fusion 360, which is a very specific software. Vladimir makes this clear on his sales page so he can further personalize his messaging.

He tackles his audience’s pain points, such as wasted time, lack of examples, and lack of creativity. Again, he does this by explaining it with targeted copy and illustrations that help get his point across.

Check out the sales page for the course 3D Printing Design Academy with Fusion 360.

About Vladimir and his online courses: 

As a passionate maker, Vladimir currently runs two makerspaces—a community maker space that he co-founded, and a college maker space where he teaches others how to turn their ideas into real products through various technologies including 3D printing, laser cutting, and CNC machining.

Vladimir enjoys sharing his knowledge with others and has been very involved with local libraries where he teaches workshops and classes on design and 3D printing.  He has also trained the library staff to be able to provide 3D printing capabilities to the general public and is enthusiastic about making the technology accessible to everyone. He also loves sharing his creative projects through his YouTube channel.

Sheryl Ryan sales page Sheryl Ryan sales page

Why her sales page stood out to us:

Testing different sales page copy.

Sheryl has two different sales pages: a generic one for anyone interested in making natural cleaning products and another one targeted for busy parents interested in the same subject. Based on her main website, we know that her target audience is generally people who are interested in organic healthy living, and a segment of that audience can be new and busy parents.

Parents want the best for their children and it’s also a new shift in lifestyle that causes parents to invest more in learning about healthier alternatives. By creating an alternate sales page, Sheryl can test her sales page copy by directly speaking to parents’ pain points and see if that converts better.

Consistent Call-to-Actions (CTAs).

One other component that stood out to us on both of her sales pages was the consistent CTAs on her sales pages. Every section of her sales pages directly answers a specific question about her course and why her audience should sign up. After each section, she gives her audience the opportunity to take the action to enroll. If they are not convinced yet, they can then carry on reading and learning more about the product. She repeats the structure throughout her entire sales page. Offering an action item might seem simple, but it is very powerful and can be often forgotten.

Check out the sales page for this course: The Greenopedia Academy

About Sheryl and her online courses:

Sheryl is a research nerd, obsessed with natural ingredients, toxin-free alternatives, ethical manufacturing, and sustainable packaging. Therefore, she created Greenopedia.com nearly 10 years ago as a way for healthy lifestylers to find practical tips and natural alternatives to harmful toxins. The Greenopedia Academy is an extension of this effort.

Ready to build your sales page?

As you can see, there’s no one way to create a strong sales page. Additionally, what is universally important is to always keep your ideal customers in mind as you’re writing your sales page.

Inspired to spruce up your sales page?

You can create and customize your own online sales page in a few easy steps. We’ve got everything you need in one place—for free.

Your "sales page checklist" awaits

A sales page is the last line of defense for students who are deciding whether or not to invest in your course. Make sure your online sales page stands out. Download our free checklist today.

Thanks for signing up.

Author: Frances Wong, Frances Wong is a Product Marketer at Teachable. Outside of Teachable, Frances is an avid sports fan and dedicates her weekends to Manchester United and Georgetown Hoyas games.