:Mindset / Productivity

Productivity tips from course creators

woman working at a coffee shop woman working at a coffee shop

Creating your online course should be an exciting and empowering experience. You’re building your business and creating a new income stream, afterall. Regardless, for a lot of people, it’s hard to imagine fitting course creation into their daily schedules when they’re already so busy.

Yet, every day, hundreds of new creators launch their courses and thousands more are working on creating their first course, too. Furthermore, these are creators who work full-time, some are parents, some are students. Very few of them are able to devote all of their working hours to building these businesses.

But they all make it work.

The big question

Granted, it’s easier said than done. Even still, we wanted to get the perspective from people who are already making it happen for themselves and ask one big question: How?

How do they make the time to build their courses when they’re already so busy, how do they prioritize course creation over the other demands in their life, and what are their best productivity tips?

As a matter of fact, we interviewed creators to see how they’re making time for course creation in their lives. By the same token, we asked what productivity tips they recommended for new course creators.

Tami Macala

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

My name is Tami Macala and I own Mosaic Arts Online.

Are you a full-time online creator or do you balance your biz with another job?

I have three businesses that all relate to mosaic art.  On top of that, I own a school that teaches live in person workshops. Also, I own Mosaic Art commission business for custom large scale commissions for homes, businesses, medical buildings,etc. Regardless,  the bulk of my time is spent with my online school, Mosaic Arts Online.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

The best way I have found to be productive is when I am producing a course with a visiting instructor/author is to make them feel comfortable with the camera. They are not accustomed to teaching to an empty room. I work them to they feel confident and we are able to shoot a course in two days. Additionally, having had over twenty years experience working in the entertainment industry with many actors and celebrities I feel that has helped me with producing all of the courses at Mosaic Arts Online. Regardless, whether I am on camera or my instructors, letting go and trusting you have the confidence and knowledge to share what you know and teach it.

Christine Maziarz

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

I am Christine, a coach to amazing women about to embark on the empty nest journey. My clients are mothers of high school students, and they are freaking out about the empty nest ahead. Even more, we channel their freaking out energy into freaking awesome energy! Moreover, Mom learns to THRIVE as their child(ren) prepares, heads off to, and experiences college.

Are you a full-time online creator or do you balance your biz with another job?

I work a 9-5, and do my business primarily from 4 AM – 6 AM daily, on lunch breaks and some evenings – I have to be productive!

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

Find a place to capture all of your ideas as you go throughout the day. Mostly, I use a combo of sticky notes, my teachable notebook (I received at an event) and Trello. I happen to love Trello. Whatever you use, make sure you love it. If you don’t love it, you won’t stick with it long term.

Throughout my day, any idea that pops into my head I write in my notebook or write it on a sticky note. Doing this allows me to remain focused on whatever it is I’m supposed to be focused on at the moment. Plus, I don’t lose great ideas. To be fully transparent, they aren’t all great ideas, but I evaluate that at a later time.

Boards I use

When I have the time, I add my sticky notes and notebook notes to Trello – in the appropriate board. Some board title examples that I have are:

– Goals for the Week

– Podcast Creation Lists

– Add to Template/Update Program (Teachable classroom)

– Client Work

– Website/Tech Updates

Completing the form for this submission is a perfect example of how this process works for me. As a matter of fact, I took one look at my school’s home page (which I haven’t done for about a month) and realized it needs updating. Immediately, I added it to the top of my goals for the week board so that I could finish this submission.  Thankfully, I don’t have to stress because I know once I put it on the appropriate board, it will get done shortly (as soon as I hit SUBMIT on this form). Happy productivity to you!

Jennifer Corcoran

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

Hi I’m Jennifer Corcoran and I’m a LinkedIn Consultant.  I’m the founder and CEO of My Super Connector which is an award-winning social media consultancy.  In a nutshell, I help ambitious service based professionals and entrepreneurs to polish up their LinkedIn profiles.  First, we connect with finesse in order to achieve both business and career success.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

To do everything in batches  – a bit like making a cupcake.  You wouldn’t make just one.  By the same token, if you are in the zone to record audio files or videos then do them all together.

Mark Shields

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

My name is Mark a Shields and I am the co-author of The CAM Coach book. It’s a book that helps therapists set up and sustain business success in their clinics. Additionally, I am the co-Founder of the Life Practice. Along with my partner Karen, we set up a behaviour change and nutrition clinic 15 years ago. Furthermore, we also train NLP, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Health Coaching, EFT, Nutrition and Bi-lateral Eye Movement and Lifestyle Medicine. Our Online school the Life Practice Academy has enabled us to now offer our course trainings to a global market.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

We have found that offering a free mini taster course has allowed us to market through an email sequence to prospective delegates. It’s been very successful. Also, we offer free video content within our emails and full Tutor support to paying delegates.

Better pricing

The pricing for our courses competitively within the market. Additionally, with recognized accreditation that enables our delegates to set up in business straight after qualifying. Also, we offer business set up courses to help them with their onward journey. For us the customer is key and our number one aim is to make sure they feel supported throughout the learning process.

Recently, we opened up our platform to other trainers who wish to sell their courses on our platform that align with our company. They create the content and we set up the filming, editing of copy, uploading and selling of the product.

Kara Stevens

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

My name is Kara Stevens and I’m founder of The Frugal Feminista. It’s a personal finance company committed to helping women step out of money worry and into money confidence. Through coaching, speaking, writing, and consulting, I help women or organizations that love their female employees. Moreover, I want them to think about their relationship with money and how that relationship impacts all facets of their wellness.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

It would be: just start. You don’t have to be perfect to be an entrepreneur and you don’t have to know all of the answers either. You’ll learn as you go.

Linda McGrath-Cruz

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

I’m a litigation paralegal. Additionally, I own Perfectly Paralegal Consulting and host the Paralegals Navigating Perilous Waters Cruise Conference each year.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

One of my most successful products is a package of recordings of a live event. Anytime I host a live event, I record it and create a new class which contains the recording from the live event and also a certificate of attendance and other printable materials. This allows me to continually monetize throughout the year.  We allow people who did not have the opportunity to attend the live event to purchase the recordings on an ongoing basis. Additionally, it is making the work I was already doing hosting the live event go further. Furthermore, I also gave attendees of the live event access to the recordings for free so they have ongoing access to the printable materials. This way they don’t need to reach out to me directly when they can’t find their copy or would like to review the information again.

Andromeda Limmen Chehab

Please introduce yourself and your business: 

I teach Andragogy and Therapeutic Coaching for parents, children and adults revisiting their own birth and childhood. It’s all about creating a more powerful now to access their inner peace, health and wellbeing.

What is your #1 productivity tip you’d like to share with other creators?

Before devoting a ton of time creating your online course, do a dry run with one paying client face to face and record the sessions. Additionally, you can use those recordings for content in your online course, or to create an outline for a future recording.

The best thing you can do?

Just get started. At the end of the day, the only way you’re going to make progress in your business is by committing to get started.  Work at it a little bit every day. Even if that means you can only devote 10 minutes here and there. Regardless, moving forward no matter by how little, is better than waiting for the “perfect time” to start.

Additionally, if you’re interested in reading more about how to make the most of your time and create an online course, these resources might be helpful:

Furthermore, if you want to hear more from successful creators, download our free ebook, Women Who Create, to hear how 16 women built profitable businesses online.

Inspired by these driven creators?

It’s never been easier to expand your business online. Now is the time to take the next step. Sign up for our Free Plan today (no credit card necessary).

Step to it!

Author: Morgan Timm, Morgan Timm is a content marketer with a background in blogging and social media. She runs Mostly Morgan, a life and style blog that reaches an audience of 40,000 people monthly.