You’ve launched your community for your online courses. Now, you have a special opportunity to connect with your audience on a brand new level. You’re able to provide value and build relationships like never before. But, how can you integrate that sense of community into your social media community, too? Is it even possible? Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: While the definition of community is vastly different as it relates to a private space versus a public space on social media, there are still tons of opportunities to join forces and use both channels as a way to amplify your efforts. Let’s talk about three simple ways you can use your private community to help marketing efforts for your social media community.

1. Shine a spotlight

If you’ve read all the tips and tricks for engaging your online community with purpose, then you know giving a shoutout to your most engaged members is important. It’s a fantastic way to source user generated content for your social media channels. Yes, this tip is so good, we’re sharing it again here. (Oh, and if you haven’t read Noele’s article yet, go ahead and open it in a new tab to read after this.)

See it in action

Ask your private community a fun question about their work-from-home space. Then, ask them to snap a picture. With permission, re-share those photos on your preferred social media platform. Next, encourage your audience there to share their go-to desk necessities. This is a brilliant way to utilize your private community—and the trust you built—to produce high-quality content for your social media community. Plus, it gives incentive for participation within you private group.

2. Plan your content

Your private community is filled with those who know and love your brand the most. So, they likely follow you on social media as well. Feeling stuck on what to post? Tap your super fans within your private community to see what they’ve enjoyed in the past, what they need now, and what would be most helpful to them in the future. And share that on your social media.

Knowing your audience is key to being successful across any platform, but it’s particularly important for growing your social media community. Having a go-to source for valuable feedback can not only save you tons of time, but it can also take your social media content strategy to another level.

3. Showcase a transformation

What better way to drive new members to your course and community than testimonials from those who know exactly what it’s like to learn from you?

See it in action

Set up one-on-one calls with community members, post a callout for testimonials, and pay close attention to the conversations that are happening. This allows you to see your students’ transformations within your community. Not only is your private community a treasure trove for social proof, but it’s also a lovely reminder that what you’re doing is so important.

Try these strategies and soon your community will become a rich reservoir of user generated content, testimonials, and inspiration for your social media community.