
A pre-sale strategy is a win-win for you and your audience
A pre-sale strategy is a win-win for you and your audience

“Going through the process lights a fire under you because you have to get something done."

“Pre-sales give you that security knowing that people are going to show up”
“Pre-sales give you that security knowing that people are going to show up”

Amanda Sempert can't imagine selling without a pre-sale. See why she swears by this strategy.

How sourdough baker Matthew Duffy overcame the myth of “being ready”
How sourdough baker Matthew Duffy overcame the myth of “being ready”

Matt wanted to launch his course, but he didn't feel ready—until he jumped headfirst into a pre-sale.

6 steps to a successful pre-sale
6 steps to a successful pre-sale

Getting paid faster is just one good reason to pre-sell your online course.

Pre-sell your online course and get paid to make it
Pre-sell your online course and get paid to make it

Are you ready to make money? We think we know the answer.

“How I made $80K on my course pre-sale”
“How I made $80K on my course pre-sale”

One creator shares his success story.