:Mindset / Success and goal setting

For Christine Roebuck, teaching others to live debt free is worth the work

2021 End of Year Christine Roebuck 2021 End of Year Christine Roebuck

To highlight creator success, Teachable caught up with three creators to learn why it’s all worth the work for them. Get ready to meet Christine Roebuck, a new course creator, who is ready to transform lives.

It’s never too late to start using Teachable. This is something Christine Roebuck learned this year after signing up to start teaching courses online.

Learning is doing

After successfully freeing herself of her own struggles with debt and finances, Christine Roebuck took everything she learned and her background in theology to help others learn the way to debt-free living. She started her business, Live My Life Debt Free, eight years ago as a blog, and later through workshops she ran with her church.

There was another level of access she felt like she could offer to help people achieve financial freedom. Although she wasn’t quite sure how to reach it. “I had always wanted to find a way that I could really make my content available, the workshops available and accessible to people, not just in the U.S., you know, but internationally,” Christine said. That accessibility is exactly what Teachable offered her this year.

For months Christine saw emails from Teachable in her inbox and was interested, but the timing didn’t feel right. She was finishing up her master’s program and there was a global pandemic going on that had pushed her to move her coaching on debt-free living to Zoom.

A lightbulb moment

But, after some time passed, one email specifically caught her eye and she signed up for a webinar with Teachable. From there, the rest is history. “I was like, ‘Why haven’t I done this?’” Christine said. “And so, the last year was my ‘A-ha’ moment,’” she said. “Now it’s just—I’m all about it.”

In 2021, Christine took the time to build her entire school on debt-free living and launch it. She took everything she was already teaching and turned it into an accessible online course for her students. This gave her that added accessibility she had been searching for.

Want to launch your own online course?

Download our guide to learn the seven steps to launching a profitable online course.

The online course creator industry is booming.

Launching your own course can be exactly the next step you’re looking for. Whether you already have a business or you’re looking to share your knowledge online, creating a course might be just the thing for you.

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The online course creator industry is booming.

All the comforts of home

One of the best benefits of teaching online: Her students can be at home, in the setting where they’re most comfortable. This is especially important while they’re addressing a part of their lives that can frequently feel uncomfortable, their finances. “This has definitely given me a way to help remove the shame that people have related to it [debt],” Christine said.

Just in a matter of months after launching, she started working on creating and perfecting her coaching product to offer students one-on-one guidance through Teachable. Ever a perfectionist though, she’s waiting until it’s completely up to her high standards to fully launch it.

Leveling up and reaching out

But what makes using Teachable worth the work for Christine is being able to replicate her expertise through her courses and help as many people as possible. Having her courses online with Teachable allows her to leverage herself, her past experience, and her knowledge about debt-free living in a way she hasn’t been able to before.

By creating courses she can make herself available to anyone and everyone who wants to set themselves free from financial burden. The fact that her knowledge and courses are duplicatable has given her the means to help more people see the results and that makes her work so rewarding, she explained.

A committed community

While starting can be half the battle, she caught on quickly and found support through teachable:hq, our community that creators on Teachable can take part in to talk with their peers, share their successes, and offer tips to help others.

“At first, I thought I was really going to be out on this island by myself. But there’s so much support within Teachable, and I’m really, really happy about that,” Christine said, “I know that I’m not alone.”

“You’re going to love it”

She says she’s gotten more than her money’s worth through participating in teachable:hq. Plus, it’s one of the things she raves about to others, too. A friend of Christine’s was recently talking about starting to use Teachable for her business, she said. “The only thing I could tell her: You’re going to love it.”

Christine’s wins this year as a creator include signing up for Teachable, creating a course, teaching students, and working on creating her coaching product. But there’s one win that’s the true reason she does the work: helping her students achieve the debt-free living they desire and teaching them to take charge of their financial lives without shame.

Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.