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Teachable’s 2021 wrap up: creator’s favorite product update highlights

woman working at home with desk woman working at home with desk

The past year was a great one for Teachable, and even better for our creators. We love highlighting your successes with campaigns centered on you, like Creator Month. Our creators saw some of the biggest success they ever have bringing in millions of dollars and launching thousands of schools.

To make being a creator even better, we’re constantly working to update the current features we offer and create new ones. The Teachable product updates we launch are in part formed due to suggestions from our creators and made by our hard-working team.  

2021 product updates: The greatest hits

We hope the Teachable product updates we made this year have helped make using our product a more enjoyable and seamless experience for you. We can’t cover every single update we made to our product this year in one blog post, but we’re going to try and highlight a few heavy hitters. In case you missed some of the key product updates, here’s a rundown of some of our favorites, and some that our creators love as well. 

Course templates

To make your school and course creation easier, we created templates in March. These two templates Simple and Colossal to join Classic. These are meant to help you prioritize the information you want your students to see when they arrive on your course overview page. If you haven’t already taken advantage of these templates you can use them to refresh your school any time you like. For a full rundown of the templates, what they look like, and what type of creators tend to use each one, check out our blog post offering a deep dive on course templates.

course design templates course design templates
Teachable's course design templates.


After launching our coaching feature last year, we realized we needed to give you more power when it comes to how you sell your products to your students. That’s why we delivered a product update to add more functionality to bundles. This update made it possible for you to bundle your courses and coaching together and sell them as one item. Giving creators this flexibility to group their course offerings in the best possible way and sell them at whatever price point they choose is just another way we added higher personalization to schools. To learn more about the benefits of bundles, how to use them, and how to choose what should be in your bundles read our blog post here

Lead capture

Another feature we added for our creators was the ability to capture leads to help them build an email list. Now you can add the email leads form block to your Teachable product pages to capture the contact information of your customers or potential customers. These leads are especially helpful for new creators who are about to launch a course and are looking to build an email list. To learn more about how to add lead captures to your school check out the knowledge base.

Community for creators with Circle.so

With Teachable, you’re never going it alone in part thanks to the community we created. In May, we also created the option for you to build your own community on Circle.so as well. Now, engage with your students with the discussion forums Circle.so offers. Our creators use this feature to collect feedback they then use to improve their courses, to engage with their students, and to help provide a community for them to meet other students too. More than 500 schools are on Circle.so already, to learn more about it, read the full explainer post.

Circle.so platform Circle.so platform
The Circle.so comunity platform
Starting a ccommunity online can help you grow your business.

Deciding the right place to start building a community doesn’t have to be difficult. Use our guide to help you determine which community is perfect for your business.

The time to build your community is now.

You have the power to start your community building. Connect with your students, and connect them to one another. You can start today.

Thanks for signing up.
The time to build your community is now.

PayPal recurring payments

We know that recurring payments are good for business and way easier for students. When the payments are recurring, students don’t need to remember to pay each month, and that means fewer students churning from your school. This Teachable product update allows you to offer a subscription option and a payment plan with payments through PayPal.

Order bumps

You’ve likely fallen victim to the order bump in a brick-and-mortar store before. The magazines, packs of gum, lip balm, and anything else surrounding the register as you check out are order bumps IRL. Order bumps online work the same way, and we made it possible for creators to add order bumps to their school’s checkout flow. For example, you can now offer coaching at checkout at a discount to entice students. Or maybe it’s a mini-course you want to offer. Still have questions about order bumps? Check out the blog post explaining them in detail here

Coupons update

Everyone loves a coupon, and they’re even better when you can offer coupons your way. We added an update this year to let you implement coupons to discount products the way you want to. Creators can still offer individual coupons, but now they can also offer coupons that apply to certain product types only, or all products, and coupons that are pricing plan specific. Looking to customize your coupons? We’ve got a blog post to teach you how.

Ever–growing resources for our creators

While we love to highlight the features we created and the new tools we implemented as part of our Teachable product updates, but we also love our content. This year we launched a totally revamped blog full of helpful articles, case studies, and profiles of our creators. Not only that, but we published eight podcast episodes with experts in the field and creators alike.

And we created a resource center for you where you can find all our best step-by-step guides, workbooks, checklists, and how-to content. We hope you’ve found that our new features improved your experience with Teachable and that the resources we worked hard to create answered your questions. See you next year for even more growth, excitement, and creation!

teachable blog teachable blog
The newly updated teachable blog.

Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.