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April 2019 product update: Certificate editor & VAT updates

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Everyone here at Teachable is ready for the city to warm up. It’s time for us to “spring” into action—in and out of the office. And that’s exactly what we’ve done this first month of spring. We’ve gone the extra mile to wrap up the projects we started in the first quarter of 2019. From our certificates of completion editor to VAT updates, here’s what’s new at Teachable for April 2019.

Certificates of completion editor

The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Certificates of Completion Editor is now available for all Professional and Business Plan users. This new improvement to our native Certificates of Completion editor allows you to see all changes in real-time, so you can get an immediate preview of your certificate in the editor.

This will be the case whether you’re using a default certificate template, or a custom certificate built with Liquid/HTML.

For more information on the Certificates of Completion editor, take a look at this Knowledge Base article.

VAT updates on student-facing receipts

To help you in addressing the EU’s value-added tax (EU-VAT) requirements and ensure clarity and transparency between you and your students, we’ve made changes to the receipts your students receive upon purchasing a course.

To implement these changes, we’ve introduced a new email template, “Receipt,” to replace the New Enrollment template. Depending on which payment gateway you’re on and whether you’ve enabled BackOffice, student-facing receipts may now include additional information.

For more information about the changes to new receipt template, check out our changelogs.

In addition, we also added a new field in Settings > Taxes where school owners who have their own VAT ID can input it for display in student-facing receipts where needed.

Payouts breakdown

We’ve introduced a new Payouts Breakdown page under Sales of your admin dashboard to add clarity to your payouts from credit card transactions processed via Teachable Payments.

We’ve heard your feedback about Teachable Payments, which is why we’ve released this new page so you have clear breakdowns on your payout summary, including transactions, initial earnings, reserves, refunds, and chargebacks.

We hope this will make it easier for you to track your course earnings. We know how important that is to you, and it’s important to us, too.

Coming up at Teachable…

Here’s our updated product road map for 2019.

Make a profit with your passion

Setting up payments doesn’t have to be stressful with our free step-by-step checklist.

Your "payment set up checklist" awaits

Keep track of everything you need to get started with your Teachable payments.


The team is very happy to have shipped so many new updates and features this month, and we hope that you find all of them helpful. As illustrated in the roadmap above, we pushed many of our projects over the finish line and the remaining ones are big projects we’ll be focusing on this quarter, specifically Mobile Pay and a new Page Editor.

Additionally, our product team is also working on:

  • Wrapping up the in-app Help Form feature to make it easier to get you the support and help you need.
  • Simplifying the Teachable onboarding to make it more intuitive for new users to get started on our platform.
  • Adding a new webhook service that will help our app stay more stable and scale better in the future.

Author: Frances Wong, Frances Wong is a Product Marketer at Teachable. Outside of Teachable, Frances is an avid sports fan and dedicates her weekends to Manchester United and Georgetown Hoyas games.