:News / Teachable updates

October product update: Lecture duplication, page editor & more

woman at computer working woman at computer working

We can’t believe the time for apple picking, pumpkin spice lattes, and Halloween costumes has already passed—seems like October really flew by in New York City.

As we inch toward the end of the year, we’re focused on releasing the projects we’ve mapped out for the quarter: new page editor, saved custom filters, and more! In addition, we’ve been running more user sessions and surveys to learn how Teachable members use specific features and the overall platform. Reaching out to more of our users helps us learn how we can continually make improvements.

So, what have we learned? Let’s dive into that in this month’s product update to see what we’ve released this month and what’s coming up soon.

What’s new at Teachable?

Lecture Duplication

We have heard your feedback and are building out the ability to duplicate lectures within courses! This will allow you to easily copy a lecture and all of its content within its course, with the functionality to duplicate a lecture into another course following.

Page Editor

Video Block

The video block is now available to all Teachable members using the new page editor. The video block allows you to upload an introduction video to your site pages, or even a promotional video to your sales pages.

Expandable Sidebar

We’ve also added the ability to expand the content sidebar on the new page editor. This gives you the flexibility to have more space to edit and create content—especially when you’re adding custom HTML blocks!

Grid Block

We’re currently working on releasing a grid block to all Teachable members using the new page editor next week! The grid block allows you to add 2-4 columns of stacked images and text to any site page or course sales page. Some ways you can use this block is to showcase testimonials, product examples, or course categories.

Site Page Access

This month, we’ll be enabling the new page editor on site pages for Teachable members who created schools prior to September 18th, 2019. Once released, you can use the new page editor to create new pages in Site > Pages, while continuing to have access to the legacy page editor. Please note that you can only edit a page with the page editor used to create it.

Legacy Member Migration

In September, we shared a detailed page editor migration timeline with you to support legacy Teachable members. Unfortunately, this migration proved to be a bit more difficult and complex than we originally thought. We’ve encountered some technical obstacles that require some careful thought and extra work, so we’ve revised our migration plan.

Originally, we planned to fully sunset the legacy page editor at the end of the year, which would have made highly customized pages viewable but not editable. However, after talking to many creators on Teachable, we’ve decided to continue offering access to the legacy page editor for existing pages. This means that members with customized pages can keep their customizations and edit them using the same page editor they were created on. We’ll continue to see how you use our page editors before making any migration changes in the future.

For those who want to use the new page editor, you’ll soon have the option to do so in your course pages as well. We’re still working out some small details, and as soon as we have a more detailed timeline (including the sunsetting of legacy page editor) we’ll let you know! Until then, rest assured that all your pages—customized or not—will still be accessible and editable.

For more information about the page editor migration, please check out this blog post.

Updates and other fixes

  • We introduced a new user-interface improvement in the lecture editor to make it clear which section a new lecture is being added to.
  • We also introduced additional reporting columns: “Affiliate Codes” for affiliates and “Email Opt-Out” status for students to improve user management.

Coming up at Teachable…

Here’s our updated product roadmap:

Saved Student Filters

After speaking with our members, we’ve noticed how difficult and time consuming it is to filter students on the platform, especially if you have over 100 students and 30 unique filters to choose from. To help you save time and quickly access the same cohorts of students, we’ll be allowing users to save custom filters.

You will soon be able to save custom filters for export and emailing. You can always go back to edit or delete these filters as well.

Mock-up of creating custom filters

Facebook Pixel on Checkout

We are also building the function for you to add a Facebook Pixel on Teachable checkout pages. This will allow you to track user data on the checkout page and better optimize conversions if you’re utilizing Facebook ads.

Additional Features

Additionally, our product and engineering team is working on:

  • Adding functionality to our current buttons so they can lead to a course curriculum, checkout page, or upsell an offer for the new page editor.
  • Building the featured course block for the new page editor.
  • Building the bundled course block for the new page editor.
  • Giving you the option to offer services as a product.

Author: Frances Wong, Frances Wong is a Product Marketer at Teachable. Outside of Teachable, Frances is an avid sports fan and dedicates her weekends to Manchester United and Georgetown Hoyas games.