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A new phase for Teachable

barista pouring coffee online coaching barista pouring coffee online coaching

As you’ve no doubt noticed, we’ve made some changes. Today, we unveiled a rebrand of Teachable. You’ve been introduced at first click to our new look and feel but the evolution of the brand goes much deeper than our updated logo and colors. We’ve spent the last six months reflecting on six years spent leading the charge in helping entrepreneurs turn their knowledge into profitable online businesses, including a new online coaching feature.

That work led us to what we know is the best expression of Teachable. We’ve modernized and elevated our design and honed in our values and mission for the future. In the next several paragraphs we’ll share the thought process behind it all but first, the second big announcement of the day—we’re debuting a whole new way to grow your business on Teachable.

Sell, book, schedule, and get paid for one-on-one coaching sessions with your students, all on the Teachable platform. As we move toward the future, we’re focused on providing flexible and customizable ways to monetize your knowledge, changing the culture of work for the better. We call it knowledge commerce and Coaching is the next step in building your knowledge business. Here are a few words from the Teachable product team who built Coaching from the ground up.

From the Teachable product team

Throughout Teachable’s history, we’ve provided people with the tools to own their content, build their brands, and monetize their knowledge. But businesses need to grow and one thing we’ve learned after years of talking to our creators is that they’re always thinking about the next step.

As we researched and asked ourselves what new products would benefit our creators, we learned that one of the biggest obstacles they face is time—having enough time, using it wisely, and making it valuable. Solving that problem became our focus as we began thinking about products beyond courses. What new feature set could we develop to save our creator’s time and help them expand their businesses?

We learned that one of the biggest obstacles creators face is time.

Naturally, we turned to our creators for the answer and many of them were already selling one thing: coaching. Since most of them were adept at instructing through online coaching, we focused on solving the complexity of their workflow. In Coaching, creators can offer intake forms, integrate with Calendly and Zoom, and leave messages for each client. And that means leaving google forms behind, eliminating the back and forth of other softwares, and saving time sorting through individual emails and documents. The best part? Giving creators their time back. We can’t wait for you to experience Coaching. You can read all the details on this new product here.

Want to learn more? We invited a few Teachable members who are already using online Coaching to share how it is already helping their businesses grow. Meet Abbi PeretsDavid Beckett, and Barry Ennis and Shay Kostabi.

Brand building

Because you’re business owners yourselves, you understand that brand work is deep, curious work. Aligning an organization of 150 people on a single mission and gaining unanimous agreement on a path forward is difficult. But what we’ll share with you today is our vision of Teachable’s future and it revolves around you.

Our mission: To enable the transformative power of knowledge in our world.

If you’ve ever joined us for a webinar you know that we talk a lot about transformation. We encourage you to provide transformation for your students and we do that because we know at the end of the day, shared knowledge has the power to transform—lives, perspectives, self worth—everything. Our commitment to ourselves and our members is to enable the positive power of shared knowledge in everything we do.

In addition to our mission we spent months perfecting our values with the intent to share them with you. We know that who you entrust your business to is one of the biggest decisions an entrepreneur can make and as your partners in business, you deserve to know the values we hold highest.

We’ve laid out each of our newly defined values on our fresh new About page. Head there to read them in detail. These values have always been with us but it feels right to finally send them out into the world and we hope you’ll find some common ground with us as you read them.

Modern monochrome

Now, onto our new coat of paint. The refreshed look and feel of Teachable.com reflects our desire to grow and modernize our approach in everything we do. Color wise, we chose a rich monochromatic color palette that is professional and energizing. You’ll also notice that our approach to photography has evolved. We know that building a business is hard work but we believe there are valuable lessons not only in the end but also along the way. The work is where you learn. So, you’ll see a lot more workspaces, process shots, and detail in our imagery in the days to come. We want to authentically capture the journey of knowledge entrepreneurs and celebrate the work you put in.

Perhaps the change we love most is our new logo. Teach:able represents the partnership between you and us. The colon is a visual representation of the way we work together to amplify your success. In the end, there is no us without you, the creators, and we love that this logo brings that truth to light. We only hope new programs like online coaching encourage this.

Community is coming

As the weeks go by you’ll see even more exciting changes and surprises. One of which is our brand new community which you can read more about here. We’ve been working on this new vision for the community for more than six months and it’s going to enrich your membership experience with us and help you level up your business.

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below as you explore our rebrand. We look forward to continuing to grow and build products that help you scale your business and improve your life.

Share what you know.

All the best,

The Teachable team

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