:Mindset / Success and goal setting

How the Egg Whisperer takes women’s health to the next level through courses

dr. aimee the egg whisperer dr. aimee the egg whisperer

Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, also known as The Egg Whisperer, was born to be a fertility doctor. “My dad’s an OB-GYN. My grandfather was an OB-GYN. My grandmother was a midwife. So I was spit out from my mother’s womb, just trying to find a uterus,” she said. 

For decades she’s been helping women through their fertility journeys that can sometimes prove to be difficult. In the office day-to-day, Dr. Aimee works with women who are just starting to explore their fertility, looking to freeze their eggs, going through IVF treatment, and more. Out of the office, she uses her expertise to teach women how to take charge of their fertility whether they’re patients or not, through her online resources and her courses with Teachable. Hence the nickname “The Egg Whisperer.”

“I just grew up with it. I knew by the time I was three I wanted to be an OBGYN. And then a seventh grade, I just wanted to do fertility. That’s all I’ve dedicated my life to is just helping people who want to have babies, who are having problems conceiving, people who want to prevent infertility, people have miscarriages, people who are LGBTQI, who want to grow families, that’s what I do every day,” she said.

The mission and becoming The Egg Whisperer

“I’m a fertility doctor, with my mission being fertility education for anyone, anywhere,” she said. “It shouldn’t just be for people that live down the street from me. I know that access is a huge issue when it comes to fertility education.”

Before venturing into teaching courses online, Dr. Aimee hosted “Egg Freezing Parties.” She started hosting these in-person classes in 2014 for women who were looking to learn more about their fertility options and egg freezing. She still hosts these parties, but now she hosts them online as live classes. 

She took her course online to increase the accessibility of it—the same reason she offers so much information on her YouTube channel and on social media. But with Teachable, she’s been able to bring that information to even more people. “They [students] can take information, go to their doctors, even if I’m not their doctor, and they [can] feel more empowered and just feel better about their care,” she said.

Why Teachable

The idea for her course started with wanting to be an online student herself, Dr. Aimee explained. She was seeing ads on social media for online acting and comedy courses when the idea hit her. 

“I was like, ‘I want to learn how to do comedy!’ And I’m like, wait, actually, I can use the same platform to teach people about fertility and still be funny at the same time. And, you know, do my own comedy shows for patients who are in the class,” she said. Her social media producer was the one who suggested Teachable, and the rest is history. 

Dr. Aimee doesn’t use Teachable to just offer information and send students on their way. She offers everything her students need to know to take charge of their fertility. She hosts live classes so her students can ask questions and get to know her. She also shares a recording of that live session as part of the course materials so her students can refer to any of the information at any time in their fertility journey. 

“Because what I do is so personal, I didn’t want to do it in something like a Facebook group,” she said “Doing it with Teachable, for the audience, it feels a lot safer to open up and ask questions,” she added. 

Using Teachable 

Since using Teachable, she’s found all the benefits it has to offer. Like the option to host her courses live and then upload them for her students to use whenever they need to. The ability to upload new content is also important in the ever-changing world of fertility research.

“It’s just easy to upload new content,” she said “So as things change with science, I’m able to add new things and new ideas. And so the course is always evolving. There are new things that are now in the course that weren’t there in the beginning.”

Dr. Aimee has three courses on Teachable taking on her role of The Egg Whisperer: a fertility education class she calls TUSHY, an egg freezing glass, and an IVF class. And she wants more, saying, “I don’t have the time to do more—for now.”

Dr. Aimee offers her courses to every patient she has so they can learn the same information in a different format than as a patient-visit setting. “The role that I have in people’s lives—I don’t take it for granted,” she said.  

“I know how stressed people are right now,” she said. “They’re more stressed than they’ve ever been in their entire lives so whatever I can do to decrease that stress [and] educate them. I feel like this platform is another way for the same things to be reinforced [outside of the office.]” Dr. Aimee acknowledges that everyone learns differently. So this method is a little less intimidating for some, for example when it comes to learning medical acronyms or terms to use around their doctors.


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The payoff 

While many creators make significant income from their Teachable courses, that’s not the goal for Dr. Aimee. Her courses are available for just $60. For her, the connections she makes with patients are lasting ones. “I mean, now that I’ve been in practice for 14 years, it’s really so fun. I went to a birthday party for one of my kids. And there were three families there that I had helped over the years,” she said. The true payoff is being able to help people start those families and take charge of their health.

“I tell people, once a patient, always a patient. You’re in my life forever. I’m going to be part of your family and this incredible way. And it’s just nice to still have those connections with people like 10 years later, 12 years later,” said Dr. Aimee. 

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Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.