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Announcement: Compete to win $100K in The Next Big Creator Competition

The-next-big-creator-competition The-next-big-creator-competition

We’re just going to come out and say it: This is big. Announcing the biggest news we’ve ever shared at Teachable—The Next Big Creator Competition. We’re giving you the opportunity to prove you have what it takes to be the next big course creator and most importantly, compete to win a grand prize of $100,000.

Eyes on the prize

Did we get your attention with $100,000? We thought so. So here’s what you need to know about The Next Big Creator Competition.

By joining this six-month competition, you’ll have the opportunity to win the grand prize of $100,000 or one of three runner-up prizes of $10,000—all for creating a new online course on Teachable. What’s more, the grand prize winner and three runner-up winners will also get an exclusive mentoring session with Teri Ijeoma.

Teri Ijeoma Teri Ijeoma
Teri Ijeoma

Teri is Teachable’s top-earning creator, a course creator sharing knowledge about invest to thousands globally, and she’s the winner of Teachable’s 2019 Creator Challenge. Consider this mentor session the opportunity of a lifetime.

But that’s not all: 40 runner-ups will also be featured on Teachable’s newsletter, blog, and social.

All you need to do is join any Teachable plan and sign up to compete. It’s that simple. Whether you’re a current course creator or looking to launch your first course, this competition is for you.

Register for The Next Big Creator Competition

Are you ready to compete? Join the competition now for your chance to prove you’re the next big creator and earn big.

Register now

Register and compete in The Next Big Creator Competition

Getting started with The Next Big Creator Competition is easy. The competition officially runs from April 1 to September 30, 2022. But, the sooner you get started, the sooner you can start earning. Here’s how you can get started competing today.

Step 1: Register for the competition

Once you register, you’ll be prompted to take a quick survey. This will help us know which track you’ll compete in. Because we know not everyone is starting at the same place, we’re breaking the competition up into tracks. You compete against others in your designated track for one of the three runner-up prizes. The grand prize is awarded to the winner across all tracks. (We’ll dive into this more below.)

Step 2: Join any Teachable plan

Select any Teachable plan to compete. If you’re already a Teachable customer, you’ll still need to register and fill out the competition form.

Step 3: Check your email and dive in

Look to your inbox for an email letting you know you’re registered to compete. This email will also have a link to your Participant Hub and all the resources you’ll need to get started.

Step 4: Grow together

We said we won’t leave you hanging. Not only is the Participant Hub available to you with helpful resources and links, but as a competitor, you’ll get recurring emails with strategies, tips, and tricks to help you succeed with ease. And, if you’re on a paid Teachable plan, you’ll score access to Teachable Kickstart Program complete with live Q&As, training material, demos, and more.

Step 5: Build and sell

Here’s the fun part! Over the six-month competition, you’ll build and sell your course and watch the money come in. The winner of the competition will be the person with the single-month highest earnings between April 1 and September 30, 2022.

Evening the playing field

When we say anyone can compete to win, we mean anyone. Whether you have no followers yet or 500,000—there’s a place for you in this competition. You’ll compete against others in your designated track for one of the three runner-up prizes. The grand prize is awarded to the winner across all tracks.

The tracks will be:

  • Kickoff: You’re just starting out.
  • Validate: For those who’ve created and shared some level of content.
  • Rising: For those who’ve made sales, whether in online courses or through other content.
  • Verified: You’re already a standout and you’re here to prove it.
Competition Tracks Competition Tracks
It's your turn to succeed

Join the competition and compete to win $100,000 or one of three runner-up prizes of $10,000—all for creating a new online course on Teachable.

I'm in!

Set up for success

No matter which track you fall into, we’ll be here to offer you support and resources to help you succeed. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to get started if you haven’t yet.

By joining The Next Big Creator Competition, you’ll get access to helpful guides, live mentorship sessions, and more to keep you on the right path to success. Also, because we sort you into designated tracks, you’ll also be competing against those in a similar creator stage as you for the runner-up prizes.

Participation Hub Preview Participation Hub Preview
Competition Participant Hub preview

What’s more, you’ll get access to the Competition Participant Hub, which includes templates for course outlines and sales pages, helpful video tutorials, and more. You’ll also get bi-weekly emails from the Teachable team with helpful tips, demos, Q&As, and other resources. Additionally, if you belong to a Basic, Pro, or Business plan on Teachable, you’ll have access to the Teachable Kickstart Program, our exclusive onboarding program designed to help new customers get up to speed and start making sales.

If you’ve ever dreamed of starting something big, now is your time. The Next Big Creator Competition is here to motivate you to take that first step, launch that next course, and compete to win big.

Please note The Competition is only open to legal residents of the contiguous United States and Canada (except Quebec) who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry.

Author: Caitlin Miller, Caitlin Miller is the Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Teachable. In her spare time, she's often found listening to vinyl records, buying too many house plants, and enjoying a run on the streets of Brooklyn.