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9 ways to update your course in 60 minutes or less

updating your school updating your school

Updating your school doesn’t have to be a time-consuming activity. You can make some significant improvements with the spare time you’ve got. We’ve outlined nine different ways you can update your school regularly with just 60 minutes or 30 minutes that you’ve got to spare.

Remember that your school is a reflection of you, so making sure it looks good will convey to your students that you’re serious about teaching them. From making updates around your courses and bundles, to checking for spelling errors, you can ensure your school’s in tip-top shape for students in just minutes. Download our guide below to learn all nine ways we suggest updating your school. Just enter your email and the download will open in a new tab for you.

Updating your school doesn't have to take long

Here are nine different ways you can update your school. Each one should take either 60 or 30 minutes or less!

Download the guide to updating your school.

Your guide to updating your school is right here. You simply have to input your email below and get the guide immediately.

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Download the guide to updating your school.

Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.