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6 ways to update your online school in 30 minutes or less

Woman sitting at her laptop updating her school. Woman sitting at her laptop updating her school.

Taking just 30 minutes out of your day to update your online school can make a huge difference in the quality of your content and the impact you have on your students. It might not seem like it now, but by dedicating that time to one of the tips below you can make a meaningful change.

Remember that refreshing your school doesn’t have to mean overhauling it. There are small changes you can make that can have big outcomes for you in the long-term.

When we talk about your school homepage we mean the overall page where you display all of your courses and coaching products for students. This page hosts information about you as a creator, your expertise, your sales page, and more. That means there is plenty of opportunity for you to refresh anything and everything on your page.

6 ways to update your online school in 30 minutes or less

Each of these refresh ideas below should take you 30 minutes or less to complete and deliver meaningful updates to your online school.

1. Write—or rewrite—your creator bio

Let your students know who you are and why you’re the right one to teach them. If you don’t already have a thorough biography of yourself on your school’s page, write one. If you do have one, go through and give it a little refresh. Make sure to mention these key pieces of information about yourself:

  • What expertise you have
  • Any notable certifications or training
  • Why you’re teaching and what you love about it
  • What you hope you can share with your students
  • Something interesting about you as a person outside of what you’re teaching. Let your audience see who you are in regular life, not just in work

2. Check for spelling or grammar mistakes

When you initially set up your school, you were probably writing multiple pages about your courses, you, pricing, and more all at once. You may have made a few spelling or grammar mistakes and not even noticed at the time.

Take 30 minutes to read through all of the pages that are part of your school. Ideally, you’ve got fresh eyes and will notice any errors more easily than you might have when you first created your school.

Take the next step with online communities

Once you’ve cleaned up and revamped your course, consider adding online communities to boost your course offerings.

Use this guide to help determine which community strategy is right for you

There are a few different types of communities you can explore for your students. Learn about them, and how to choose the right one for you, in our guide to communities here.

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Use this guide to help determine which community strategy is right for you

3. Add glowing reviews or testimonials from students

If you’ve received feedback in the form of a glowing review or a testimonial from any of your students, consider showcasing that on your school’s page. These reviews can help potential students make a confident decision to enroll in your school.

Before doing this, be sure it’s OK if you share the quote. If you don’t have any reviews or testimonials yet, consider writing up an email to former students requesting a review or that they share their success stories with you. If you do have testimonials, see if you can update them. The more recent and relevant, the more likely they are to reflect the value of your course.

4.  Make sure everything is up to date

The last thing you want is for a potential student to come to your school’s homepage and see outdated information on courses or pricing. Make sure everything is up-to-date. Have you added a course? Added bundles? Maybe you’ve changed your pricing or have made the course longer. Make sure all of this is reflected on your homepage so your students are as informed as possible.

5. Update your keywords

You don’t need to be a SEO expert to be able target the correct keywords on your school’s homepage. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your on-page SEO, but your keywords are one of the most important one’s to pay attention to.

Start with the topic that you’re teaching and plug it into Google Analytics. See what similar terms other people are searching for. Be sure to mention the original word you searched, as well as those other common keywords. That way, no matter how someone searches for what you’re teaching, there’s a good chance they’ll come across it.

6. Set up a “Welcome” email to send after a student makes a purchase

Let your students know that you’re happy to have them by setting up a “Welcome” email to send after they sign up for one of your courses. That way you can thank them and let them know what to expect next. Writing this email shouldn’t take long. Be sure to include your thanks and then a link to where they can login to access their course—or information on when the course will be starting if you’re doing a pre-sale

Refreshing your school one step at a time

Your school can benefit from a quick refresh, even if you’ve just set it up. It can’t hurt to take 30 minutes out of your day to update your online school for your students and potential students. Refreshing your creator bio, checking the spelling across your school’s site, and adding or updating testimonials are just a few easy changes or updates you can make.

While 30 minutes might not seem like a lot of time to update your online school, it can certainly make an impact. It could improve your school enough to make it more accessible for students and more of an obvious choice for them.

Author: Nina Godlewski, Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.