If you’re a Teachable creator, hopefully you’ve seen the work we’ve put in this year to make the creator experience more seamless. From the launch of course design templates to order bumps and bundles to an improved coupons experience, PayPal Recurring Payments, and more, 2021 has been a year for us to help you grow. And, it’s been worth every brainstorm, weekly sync, and meeting on our end to see you succeed.

Naturally, there’s nothing we love more than hearing directly from our Teachable creators. We got in touch with some real Teachable creators to ask them how our product, updates, and features have impacted their lives this year. We want to showcase how real Teachable creators are making the platform work for their business everyday. But, we also want our own teammates here at Teachable HQ to see firsthand how their hard work is impacting others.

Watch the entire video below to see how creators demonstrate the power of their work. And see a valuable reminder that it’s always worth the work to be an online educator.

Want to read more about Teachable creator successes in 2021? We chatted with three creators to get their insights on what this year has meant for them. Read about Wendy, who is helps others find love online. Learn from Tricia, who teaches recovery journeys. And finally, see how Christine helps students live debt free.