:Marketing / Social media marketing

How to harness the power of Pinterest for your online business

Pinterest is on the rise. Aside from a booming 400 million+ users every month, people are also finding that, well, Pinterest is a nice place to escape from the constant news and shopping overload that other platforms are slowly sinking in to.

It’s a platform to inspire and find creativity—but it’s also a platform creators can strategically use to build a lasting online brand and tap into fresh audiences.

Have you considered bringing your content to Pinterest to connect with your audience and help promote your online business? We sat down with Pinterest expert and Teachable creator Jana O. to learn what makes this bustling social media channel such a hot spot for course creators, coaches, and online business owners. See why Pinterest is a powerful tool for online businesses to utilize in the new year.

The self-care station

“Pinterest has always been the platform people go-to for ‘me time’—to find inspiration, positivity, and ideas for making their lives and businesses better,” Jana said. Like we mentioned, Pinterest is a respite from the daily grind of other online platforms that seem to be taking a more hardline approach to selling products or goods and providing constant news updates.

Sure, it’s great to stay informed, but soon enough, users may find themselves feeling fatigued by the persistent stimulation.

Jana dives deeper, “The world feels a little overwhelming to many people right now, and social media can really escalate the overwhelm—and amplify the ‘noise’. I think that has influenced peoples’ decisions to spend less time on social media—and more time on Pinterest.”

And, the more a brand or business can do to establish that authentic and engaging voice on social media, the better. (Learn more about the power of authenticity in social media content creation here.)

A place for inspiration (and consideration)

In addition to Jana’s clients and students reporting their time spent on Pinterest is devoted to “me time”, she says the platform is also a place to give them a much-needed creativity boost.

“It’s a place they can go to quiet the noise—a respite, really, when they are looking for positive ideas—and for things they want to learn and implement in their lives. It’s a comfort to search and curate ideas and inspiration there,” Jana said.

Here’s where Pinterest can help the small business owner and course creator: marketing. Users are already searching for a break from their regular outlets. And because they’re hungry for inspiring, useful content, that’s where you and your content should be as well.

Source: Pinterest

If you’re also looking to increase your top-of-funnel marketing efforts, Pinterest is a fantastic source for online business owners. It’s a great platform to:

  1. Expand your reach
  2. Build brand awareness
  3. Drive more traffic to your content (like your blog or course homepage)

And, if you’re asking yourself, “well, can it help my SEO value?” we’ve got great news for you.

New eyes and new opportunities

We’ve covered that Pinterest is a great place for people to kick back and relax. But, did you know that Pinterest is a goldmine for elevating your SEO presence, too?

Jana has seen firsthand how much Pinterest has positively affected her and other brands and businesses. “In the last few years, the sheer number of things people search for there has exploded. Searches are conducted all the time for everything from ‘resin crafts’ to ‘online dating’ to ‘self-care checklists’.”

This means that whatever transformation your course or business provides customers can and should be marketed and searchable on Pinterest. If you can provide related tips, inspiration, and resources on Pinterest, you can be discovered by your ideal student, Jana noted.

Because Pinterest is an incredibly powerful search engine, content tends to be continually resurfaced for months at a time. If you were looking for a sign to boost and market the content you’ve put out into the world, this just may be it.

“A lot of course creators think that if they don’t teach about home decor or recipes that Pinterest marketing isn’t for them. But, in fact, the types of things people search for now is growing as the number of users grows,” Jana says. This means that Pinterest is truly a space for knowledge of all kinds to be shared. And it’s the ideal way to reach untapped markets and audiences who are itching to learn and share.

Author: Haleigh Fullilove, Haleigh is Teachable's senior social media strategist and host of the Everything Is Teachable podcast. When she's not finding new desserts to bake, you can find her exploring NYC for thrift stores and coffee shops, making playlists, and laying in the park with friends.