Nina Godlewski

Nina Godlewski

Nina is a Content Marketing Strategist at Teachable. She has a passion for taking complex topics and making them accessible for any reader. Previously she's written for Lending Tree, Fundera, Newsweek, and Business Insider.

How to ask for referrals for your business
How to ask for referrals for your business

Take full advantage of our new referral program by helping your students understand referrals.

Your downloadable guide to student testimonials
Your downloadable guide to student testimonials

Download this guide to student testimonials.

Do this to market your course before launching: Expert advice
Do this to market your course before launching: Expert advice

Check out this expert advice on how to market your course before launching it.

Ep. 47: How to Become a TikTok Expert (Keenya Kelly, If You Brand It)
Ep. 47: How to Become a TikTok Expert (Keenya Kelly, If You Brand It)

In our final episode, Haleigh spoke with Keenya Kelly for the scoop on becoming a TikTok expert.

9 ways to update your course in 60 minutes or less
9 ways to update your course in 60 minutes or less

Download our guide for updating your school in an hour or less.

Tips for a successful coaching call, for coaches
Tips for a successful coaching call, for coaches

Here's how to set yourself up for a successful coaching call with students.

Glossary: All of the Teachable-specific terms explained
Glossary: All of the Teachable-specific terms explained

Download our Teachable terms glossary to learn all the platform-specific topics.